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Co-Keynote - Implicit Religion Conference (Online)


Dr. Kelly J. Baker and Dr. David Dault will deliver, "Public Scholarship as Translation," a talk and workshop for Implicit Religion US 2023.

Kelly J. Baker is a multiple award-winning (Choice, INDIE, FAPA), best selling, essayist, historian, editor, and journalist, Kelly has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and other outlets. Kelly is the author of The Gospel According to the Klan, Sexism Ed, The Zombies are Coming and Grace Period was named one of the Best Books in New Religion Journalism of the Decade by Religion Dispatches.

David Dault, Emmy-nominated for his work on the documentary, Selma at 50: Still Marching, has won awards for his work from the Religion News Service and Religion Communicators Council. David is co-founder of Sandburg Media and Host and Executive Producer of Things Not Seen Podcast. In 2020, David was elected President of the Society for Comparative Research in Iconic and Performative Texts (SCRIPT).

Find our more about the event and how to register at the Implicit Religion US website